Welcome Letter

Welcome to Burlington Public Schools. All students entering or re-entering our schools are required to show proof of having had a physical exam within the last twelve months prior to entry. Students are also required to show proof that they are up to date with immunizations which are required by the state of Massachusetts for entry into school. Below are minimal immunization state mandated requirements.

Minimal Immunization State Mandated Requirements

-TB (Tuberculosis) Test [Risk Status Or Date/Results]

Your student's Health Record will be reviewed before the start of school. If he/she is not up-to-date with immunizations, you will be notified and expected to comply in a timely manner or your child will NOT be able to attend school per the state regulations.

If your student needs prescription medication, such as an inhaler and/or epipen, insulin, or diastat in school, the appropriate Medication Action Plan needs to be completely filled out and signed by your physician. You (parent/guardian) must bring the completed and signed form with the medication, in its original medication bottle with the prescription label on it, to the Nurse's office at the start of school. The medication action plans are found on the school website and are also available at the district's Student Services office.

At the start of school, the homeroom teachers will distribute a pink Emergency/Health Form that needs to be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian yearly. Also, make sure that you and your student have a plan in the event they need to be dismissed because of illness.

Only the adults listed on the emergency/health form can give permission to dismiss.

If you have a question or concern, please feel free to contact me at (781) 270-2975 or email [email protected].

Barbara Conley, MEd., BSN, RN
District Nurse Leader